Our company participated in recent career fairs in Prague, Hradec Kralove and Brno.

These events provided a good opportunity to introduce our company to university students and recruit new talent to our team.

Our colleagues who represented CS SOFT at these fairs actively addressed students and handed out flyers with a short quiz about our company's activities. We were delighted with the interest shown by the students and many of them took the quiz and willingly left their contact details.

One of the main objectives of our participation in the career fairs was to reach out to potential new employees. With our offered opportunities for internships, temporary jobs or traditional employment, we attracted students looking for employment opportunities in IT and software development.

We are not alone in this effort. In addition to us, other companies belonging to the CSGA group also presented themselves at the fair, giving students a broad overview of career opportunities in our field.

We thank everyone involved in organizing and participating in these events, and we look forward to continuing to work with the students we reached out to at the career fairs.